Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Well not literally speaking, not to worry! It just occurred to me today that I have lost about as much weight as my 4-year old's TOTAL body weight. And let me tell you - lifting him is NOT easy, so imagine the extra strain i put on my body 24/7 when I was at my heaviest!

Spring has finally arrived here now, and it's doing wonders for my running motivation. I downloaded the iMapMyRun app for my iPhone earlier and intend to test it tomorrow when I go running - has anyone tried it?

After asking on Twitter and Facebook yesterday whether I could get away with wearing running tights now and receiving a 100% "yes go for it" from loads of people, I have today faced the world in performance lycra for the very first time. I actually didn't die of embarrassment over my wobbly thighs. And nobody died from the sight - I think. I hope. Anyways, did a short run today, just under 2 miles as I was running out of time before needing to pick my boy up from nursery.

I've kinda lost my appetite too this week, ever since my boyfriend left on Monday to work at sea for 6 weeks. Waaah, it's no fun at all, I miss him like crazy already! SIX weeks, it's a loooong time... sob. Anyways what's that gotta do with weight loss? Absolutely nothing - I am just after some sympathy as I sit here wallowing in self-pity.

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