Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Sorry guys, I know I've been very very quiet lately! Life has been pretty busy, work has been hectic, and more importantly - my love life has really picked up recently so needless to say - blogging has kinda been forgotten in the midst of all this!

Anywhoo... Just checking in to report that despite my eating being not 100% on track over the last 2 weeks, I have lost 0.7 kg / 1.5 lbs. Yay! Am writing this from my iPhone so will update the sidebar and do the whole metric/imperial conversion thingy tomorrow :)

Oh and for some reason Skinnyr now tells me I am "normal". Umm, it's supposed to be under 25 to be "normal" - but it still kinda made my day!

1 comment:

Steve said...

WooT to bein' kinda normal :) and congrats w/ the lovelife! Definitely more important things on your plate :)