Thursday, 29 July 2010


I let things slip. Badly. But I am back on a very carb restricted diet, and I feel GREAT. It's pretty apparent that carbs do nothing for me, apart from making me bloated, sluggish and low on energy. After only 3-4 days without carbs, following a sugar/carb withdrawal from HELL, I emerged on the other side to find the bloatedness had gone and my energy levels were WAY better. Now, after a full carb-restricted week, I have gone into ketosis and so hopefully the weight should start dropping again too.

Been baking low carb bread again, and felt like sharing some pics for inspiration... first out is the bread you can find the recipe for here:

Here served with an omelette and parma ham...

I also tested a new recipe, for a flat bread baked with ground sunflower seeds instead of flour:

3 eggs
75 g full-fat cream cheese
50 ml double cream
110 g finely ground sunflower seeds
1 tbsp psyllium husk fibre
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 scoop (approx 2 heaped tbsp) unflavoured whey protein powder
1 tsp salt

I used a food processor to grind the sunflower seeds finely and it worked a treat. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and whizz with a hand-held blender. Spread ontp a lined baking tray (spread it so it's about 1 cm thick) and bake at 200 °C for about 15 minutes. I also sprinkled some sesame seeds on top before baking. Allow to cool slightly on a wire rack, then cut into 12 squares and store in an air tight container.

Here served with a generous helping of cream cheese and smoked salmon.. YUM!

If you spread the batter much thinner, and pre-bake it, it makes a lovely low-carb pizza base too:



Marie said...

Det første brødet så kjempegodt ut! fikk veldig lyst til å lage det!
Bloggen din er en stor inspirasjon, stå på!

nic @ nipitinthebud said...

a terrific post Petchy. I shall definitely be trying this. I have to restrict my sugar/carb too but some days it's just so inconvenient!

stardust said...

Hello from Denmark!
I would love to know if you know the carb count in this many carbs (minus fibre) per piece?
Thanks a lot, it looks great!:)

hailey said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about some broken links on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Hailey William