Came across this article and found it "shareworthy" - what do you think? We always knew BMI was at best a vague indicator of a "healthy" or "not healthy" weight, not taking into account muscle mass and bone density - but should we ditch it altogether?
Read the article here.
2021 Review Thingo
2 years ago
I have never liked BMI and thought it was a silly thing to use to heavily. I have always thought it was better to concentrate on physical fitness and how you feel.
Jeg tror det du spiser er mye viktigere enn det du veier og det du ikke spiser. Jeg leser Fedon Lindbergs "barn i balanse" om dagen og der snakkes det lite om kalorier, men om næringsinnhold og balansert kosthold. Tittelen indikerer at det handler om mat for barn, men da barn er en del av familien så er det råd til oss alle. Jeg anbefaller vikrkelig denne boken.
I had a doctor tell me once that at 94 lbs my BMI was perfect. I nearly cried right then because when I weighed 94 pounds I was anorexic.
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